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Lucky Egg for Pokemon Go 2.4
Im The Company
SERVER STATUSCheck the status of Pokemon GO servers easily with thisapplication!LUCKY EGG XP CALCULATORLooking to gain a lot of XP in Pokemon Go during a short periodof time? One of the best tactics is to get yourself a Lucky Egg, anitem that, when activated, will double the amount of XP you amassduring a 30 minute period. Once this is activated, the trick is tospend those 30 minutes evolving as many low-level Pokemon aspossible, and you’ll leave the session with an extraordinary amountof XP (1000 per evolution).Simply follow these steps in order to figure out how to make use ofthe Lucky Egg trick:1. Select the Pokemon you are going to evolve. It’s recommendedyou use a low-leveled Pokemon like Pidgey, but the site alsocalculates for others like Rattata and Zubat.2. Enter the number of Pidgeys in your inventory.3. Enter the number of candies in your inventory.4. The Lucky Egg app will then tell you how many of the Pidgeys youcan evolve in the 30 minute period and how much XP that will gainyou. If you’re better off waiting until you catch more Pidgeys oruntil you gain more candies, the website will recommend you holdoff for now.CP CALCULATORThe tool shows what CP a Pokemon is likely to evolve into (andhas evolved from) based on samples in PA's database. Not allPokemon scale up in CP the same during evolution. Some speciesincrease CP by 50%, others by 300%. This tool puts it in one placeto help you decide.IV CALCULATOREach Pokémon has its own statistics or individual values (IV)that make it unique and that we must take into account whendeciding if it's worth evolve or not.With this tool you can easily know the actual statistics of allyour Pokémon and their level of perfection. In addition you willknow what is the best way forward to achieve the most perfectPokémon to evolve and upgrade.
Lucky Egg for Pokemon Go PRO 2.4
Im The Company
SERVER STATUSCheck the status of Pokemon GO servers easily withthisapplication!LUCKY EGG XP CALCULATORLooking to gain a lot of XP in Pokemon Go during a shortperiodof time? One of the best tactics is to get yourself a LuckyEgg, anitem that, when activated, will double the amount of XP youamassduring a 30 minute period. Once this is activated, the trickis tospend those 30 minutes evolving as many low-level Pokemonaspossible, and you’ll leave the session with an extraordinaryamountof XP (1000 per evolution).Simply follow these steps in order to figure out how to make useofthe Lucky Egg trick:1. Select the Pokemon you are going to evolve. It’srecommendedyou use a low-leveled Pokemon like Pidgey, but the sitealsocalculates for others like Rattata and Zubat.2. Enter the number of Pidgeys in your inventory.3. Enter the number of candies in your inventory.4. The Lucky Egg app will then tell you how many of the Pidgeysyoucan evolve in the 30 minute period and how much XP that willgainyou. If you’re better off waiting until you catch more Pidgeysoruntil you gain more candies, the website will recommend youholdoff for now.CP CALCULATORThe tool shows what CP a Pokemon is likely to evolve into(andhas evolved from) based on samples in PA's database. NotallPokemon scale up in CP the same during evolution. Somespeciesincrease CP by 50%, others by 300%. This tool puts it in oneplaceto help you decide.IV CALCULATOREach Pokémon has its own statistics or individual values(IV)that make it unique and that we must take into accountwhendeciding if it's worth evolve or not.With this tool you can easily know the actual statistics of allyourPokémon and their level of perfection. In addition you willknowwhat is the best way forward to achieve the most perfectPokémon toevolve and upgrade.